Turus Mara
17th of March

The health and safety of every single person should be the first priority of all of us during the coronavirus pandemic.

Under current recommendations, as at 17th of March, we feel it is necessary to postpone the Turus Mara start date from the 1st of April initially for four weeks until the end of the month. This decision will be kept under review based on advice and information from medical professionals and government.

Should it become possible to operate later this season we will introduce, at a minimum, the following measures:

• In order to maximise ‘social distancing’ we will reduce our carrying capacity.
• Soap and water will be available on the boats and we hope also at the pontoon from where we embark.
• Any other appropriate precautions as recommended by government and health professionals.

For those with existing paid bookings we will be happy to honour them for any future trip both this season and in 2021/2022. Please email or call to reschedule/ discuss your booking.

These are uncertain times for all, but this horrible pandemic will end. We intend to be there in good shape on the other side offering our renowned trips to Staffa and the Treshnish Isles. Thank you for your understanding and support.

In the mean-time we hope everyone stays safe.


Treshnish Isles puffins
A gathering of curious puffins on the Treshnish Isles


A wee seal


A couple of puffins


Island Lass
Island Lass at the Clamshell Landing Place on Staffa
Fingal's Cave
Fingal’s Cave on Staffa


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