Puffin Portraits

We thought it might be fun and in fact quite therapeutic during these dark winter months, both for you and ourselves here at Turus Mara HQ, to look at lots of nice bright colourful puffin pictures! What better excuse than having a wee photo comp to make it happen.

Lara Jackson Puffins

So here’s the plan. Please email your best puffin images (JPEG, TIFF, PNG) singly, at no more than 5MB to photos@turusmara.com

A Turus Mara staff team assisted by a couple of tame and friendly professional photographers will pick an overall winner who, along with guest, will receive a free trip in 2025. Runners up will get a highly coveted retro Turus Mara T-shirt!

Deadline for receipt of entries is 5pm (GMT) on Saturday 14th December 2024.


Terms and Conditions:

By entering you assert the photograph(s) is/ are your own work. If entering for a child under 16 you vouch the image(s) is/ are their own work, and that they have given permission to enter their work.

By entering you agree you have the permission of any people or entities featured for their image to be used.

Your photos should be emailed individually as jpegs, tiffs or pngs and be no more than 5MB each.

By entering you agree that Turus Mara can publicly reproduce your photos without limit of time. All use will be credited.

It is your responsibility to ensure your email entry has been received although we will normally acknowledge receipt.

All entries should be sent with Name of photographer (age at the time of taking the photograph if under 16) and title of the image by email to photos@turusmara.com

There will be a judging panel made up of Turus Mara representatives and 2 photographers.

The main prize will be a complimentary ticket for the winner plus one guest on any Turus Mara trip (availability and weather permitting) during the 2025 summer season.

A number of runners up prizes of Turus Mara T-shirts will also be awarded.

Deadline for entry is 5pm GMT on Saturday 14th December 2024.

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